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Your Business Companion !

Sankyu System is a leading Merchant Gold Management System. We make our client happy everyday!

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Sankyu Analytics

Monitor your business performance anywhere and everyday!

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Sankyu System

Complete Package

Sankyu System is integrated with other subsystems such as reporting, human resource, finance and stock system.

Cloud Technology

The system will be integrated with a database that will store in the cloud server. The database has frequent backup every 4 hours!

Integrated System

There will be other extra features such as Sankyu Analytics to support the main system. 

Why Choose Us?

We offer a great solution in technology for businesses or personal that meet client’s needs, expectations and budget. Our products and services have been proven through various implementation in numbers of businesses across Malaysia. 

Usable codes for system enhancement and customization

Keep save your private and confidential information.

All information are accessible and synchronize to all system feature. 

Ease and speed up daily operation.

Monitoring your sales everyday

All department are manageable by administrator side

Get one for your business now !


Our Clients

A true partnership is a two-way street ideas and information flow openly and regularly, based on a foundation of mutual trust and respect for one another’s expertise and our clients embrace this philosophy


"Alhamdulillah, dengan adanya sistem ini pengurusan kedai emas saya lebih lancar dan kemas. Sistem ini juga menguruskan semua aliran wang dan stok barang kedai emas dengan tepat dan selamat. Sistem ini juga boleh di-custom mengikut kehendak pengguna masing-masing. Kami amat berpuas hati. Terima kasih Sankyu sistem memudahkan urusan kami."
Kedai Emas Shamsul dan Khairani
"Terima kasih kepada Sankyu System kerana memperkenalkan program untuk kedai emas ini. Banyak membantu dalam pengurusan, pengiraan stock, rekod cheque dan bermacam lagi. Memang sudah lama cari system ini tapi harga mencapai puluhan ribu bukanlah pilihan terbaik bagi 'beginner' seperti saya. Terima kasih sekali lagi, service door to door. Mesra pengguna yang amat disenangi."
Mohd Azrul Golden Trading Sdn Bhd
"Perkhidmatan yang memuaskan, sistem mesra pengguna, memudahkan peniaga menguruskan perniagaan. Hanya dengan tutorial singkat saya dah faham macam mana nak guna sistem ini. Terima kasih Tuan Insan."
Dhia Trading and Services
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